Nielsen to access ACR data footprint from LG
Nielsen this month announced that LG Ad Solutions will provide Nielsen with its ACR data for use in its national TV measurement service, giving Nielsen one of the largest ACR data footprint in the industry.

Nielsen this month announced that LG Ad Solutions will provide Nielsen with its ACR data for use in its national TV measurement service, giving Nielsen one of the largest ACR data footprint in the industry.
ACR (automatic content recognition) data is collected from smart TVs and other connected devices to track what viewers are watching and when. This data is becoming increasingly important for TV measurement, as more and more viewing is shifting to streaming platforms.
Under the new agreement, LG Ad Solutions will provide Nielsen with ACR data for both linear and CTV (connected TV) measurement. This will give Nielsen a more complete view of TV viewing habits and allow it to provide more accurate audience measurement data to advertisers.
The agreement will also give advertisers who activate campaigns on LG smart TVs access to “Always On” streaming measurement and big data from LG Ad Solutions via Nielsen ONE Ads. This will give advertisers a broader view of performance metrics to fuel cross-platform campaigns.
In addition, the deal unlocks CTV data for Nielsen’s Ad Intel solution, enabling an increased level of measurement and visibility into competitive advertising spend. This allows Nielsen to gain advertising intelligence capabilities on streaming platforms in addition to its existing linear capabilities, providing advertisers and agencies more valuable insight into their ad performance on the platforms.